Pictures & History

November 1997

The Main House

Who could foresee the changes to come?
Mohabee -'hands on hips, Edsel in the driveway, canopy (at right) still standing, and most of the trees still alive. Hardly anyone even knew Starland existed. Later, the canopy would eventually be blown down, the Edsel gone, and some of the trees would die. The three owners had just recently bought this property and had only dreams of inviting people up for gatherings. How Starland would host many happy visitors in the years to come.

Starland viewed from across the canyon wash that separates an adjacent neighborhood.

Starland sits mostly at the end of a bluff at the canyon wash edge, but just behind the Main House is a ridge still yet higher than the house. "Behind" Starland is the "backyard." This is where Starland visitors can enjoy endless hiking and time to themselves if desired.
Mohabee sits at the foot of a Joshua Tree.

Mohabee presents a Joshua Tree. This picture was probably taken down in the wash

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