Pictures & History

May 31, 2010

Solo Lobo (Matrix) is Moving to Starland
Trailer story:... The "Sprinter" trailer (now the "Lobo Trailer") was first owned, brought in, and inhabited by "Tall Paul." 'Sold it to Lobo, who sold it to Hollis, but Hollis is letting Lobo move in it to live. The silvery Jet-Stream trailer (right) just got parked last month by Tailfeather, who now lives there. Both Tailfeather and Lobo need some extra storage, so Lobo is building his storage just behind the "Trailer Lobo."

We want the shed to be a temporary fixture so we will build it on skids so as to make it "portable." The shed also must not take up more area than 120 Sq. Ft. Lobo decides it will be 8' by 15'. We start with the two skids; which are 4 X 6's 20' in length, "treated," baked, and warped -Lobo likes a challenge, 'loves to recycle, and save money.

The skids are trued to each other parallel wise and the floor framing and floor joists are constructed on top of the skids.

Though the skids are 5' longer (20' total) than the planed structure (15' long) Lobo decides to leave the extra five feet of the skids to build a "porch" on to it which will serve as a strong support when it comes time to "tow" the entire structure elsewhere.

The entire assembly is leveled, squared, and 2x6 8' floor joists are nailed to the inside of the frame on 16" centers. Note the "whitish" fence planks laid in front. Lobo tests to see how they might work as the floor planking for the storage shed. 'Seems they'd work, but not that good.

After all the floor joists are in place, sheets of 4' x 8' 3/4" "wood-chip" ply-board for the floor are secured to the floor joists with deck screws. What you see on top of the floor boards now is the partial construction of the first wall which will be just over 8' tall. So far, the ply-board is the only material bought for this project -we're trying to use up and recycle all the scrap wood first. To make the first wall, Lobo finds only a few whole 8' 2x4's and has to "splice" together other 2x4 remnants to make more 8' 2x4 studs. If this were a house, it would not pass inspection using spliced wall studs -it's a "NO-NO," but for this shed... what the hell?

This first wall is completed this trip.

This shows where the shed is in relationship to the "Lobo Trailer" and Tailfeather's trailer.

End of story
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